Michael D'Antuono's Art And Response

Price List (originals)


1. Back To The Future 40” x 30” oil on canvas ……………….……………………..… $30,000

2. Planned Prisonhood 40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………………… $40,000

3. Progress?  48” x 36” (plus frame) oil on canvas …………………………………….. $60,000

4. It Stops With Cops 44” x 88” oil on canvas ………………………………………..… $90,000

5. Profit & Loss  69” x 69” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………………………… $100,000

6. What The Frack?  18” x 18” oil on canvas ……………………………………………. $10,000

7. Drill Baby, Spill  30” x 60” oil on canvas …………………………………………….… $60,000

8. The Talk  32” x 54” (plus frame) oil on canvas ……………………………………..… $100,000

9. Adam & Eve-olution  40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………………..… $40,000

10. A Tale Of Two Hoodies  40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………..….. $100,000

11. Bad Apple  40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas …………………………………..… $40,000

12. The Conservative Christ  40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas …………………… $40,000

13. Blood Money  24” x 48” (plus frame) oil on canvas …………………………………. $40,000

14. Brought To You By The NRA  30” x 40” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………. $40,000

15. Who The Hell Is Grover Norquist?  40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas………… $40,000

16. Illegal Immigration 30” x 50” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………………….… $40,000

Portraits Of Redistribution  40” x 30” oil on canvas (each + frame) triptych………….. $90,000

17. Candy From Babies………………………………………………………….…………… $40,000

18. Too Big To Jail …………………………………………………………………….……… $40,000

19. Social Insecurity …………………………………………………………….…,,,,,,,,,,,…$40,000

20. Court Blanche 32” x 52” (plus frame) oil on canvas …..…………………………….… $40,000

21. Small Government 
40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas ……………………….…… $40,000

22. Down & Outsourced 
32” x 54” (plus frame) oil on canvas …….………………….… $40,000

23. Independence / Dedependence 
40” x 30” (each + frame) oil on canvas

(diptych) ………………………………………………………………………………………..…$70,000

(each) …………………………………………………………………………………………..… $40,000

24. Corpocracy  32” x 52” (plus frame) oil on canvas ……………………………………… $50,000

25. American Pie  42” x 38” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………………………..…. $60,000

26. The Truth 
36” x 54” (plus frame) oil on canvas …………………………………….… $100,000

27. … What I Meant Was …
36” x 54” (plus frame) oil on canvas …………………………$50,000

28. Murder By Media 
38” x 38” (plus frame) oil on canvas ……………………………..… $40,000

29. Unbalanced 
40” x 30” oil on canvas ……………………………………….……………. $40,000

30. Trick Or Treat?  24” x 48” (plus frame) oil on canvas ……………………………….…$40,000

31. Voter Fraud  40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………………………………$40,000

32. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell  48” x 36” oil on canvas ………………………………………..….$40,000

33. And Justice For All  40” x 30” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………………….… $40,000

34. Occupying Main Street  36” x 48” (plus frame) oil on canvas ………………….…..…$50,000

35. Winds Of Change 30” x 60” oil on canvas ……………………………………….…..… $30,000

Tell Everybody!