political posters
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The Talk Poster
It’s been 50 years since Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic Selma to Montgomery marches. Contrast that progress to 2014, which saw police officers in several cities killing unarmed African Americans without risk of indictment. I doubt that Dr. King would have ever dreamed that in 2015, African American parents would still find it necessary to warn their young sons about the dangers of being black in America.Add to cart
A Tale Of Two Hoodies Poster
Inspired by the Trayvon Martin case, this painting (and poster) symbolizes the travesty of racially profiling innocent children and how present day prejudices affect policy. Too many innocent and unarmed youths are being killed without legal consequence. Re-ignite the conversation with this poster.Add to cart
Fossil Fool Poster
Despite the scientific community’s dire warnings on the devastating effects of climate change, The Trump administration and the fossil fuel industry refuse to address or even accept the most immediate and dangerous threat to our very existence. The reason, you guessed it, the root of all evil – money. Add to cart
It Stops With Cops Poster
Ferguson, South Carolina, Baltimore, New York and all over the country, unarmed people of color have been killed by the very people who are sworn to protect. They say not all cops are bad. I hope this piece encourages the good ones to have the courage to serve based on right and wrong, not black and blue. Share your thoughts below.Add to cart
Cold As Ice Poster
America has been always a haven for immigrants seeking a better life and escape tyranny and poverty…until now. Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy of heartlessly separating hundreds of immigrant children from their parents seeking asylum from the atrocities in Mexico is certainly not making America great again.Add to cart
Down & Outsourced Poster
This poster is about our our treatment of veterans and losing jobs due to outsourcing or technological advancements, how we treat our veterans, but most of all, it’s about empathy.Add to cart
Planned Prisonhood Poster
Our nation incarcerates a much higher percentage of their citizens than any other, costing taxpayers billions of dollars. Private prisons are on the rise, earning unprecedented profits. Other well know corporations are greatly profiting from cheap convict labor. It’s big wins for the corporate elite but to what cost to the rest of us?Add to cart
The Conservative Christ Poster
Have a sanctimonious conservative friend or relative who fails to see the hypocrisy? Hang this poster for them and perhaps they will see the light. What would Jesus do? Probably not vote Republican.Add to cart
Adam & Eve-olution Poster
Evolution or creationism? Has scientific research disproven religious beliefs? Does religion stifle scientific progress? Whatever you think, you have to admit, this is a really cool poster.Add to cart
Mixed Messages Poster
With Donald Trump, the character of our nation has changed. It’s sometimes hard to accept the national moral decline as adults. How are the children dealing with the new normal and how will it affect the next generation? This poster ponders those questions.Add to cart
Illegal Immigration Poster
When it comes to the immigration issue it might be wise to take a minute to reflect on the pilgrims we so joyously celebrate every Thanksgiving. When you think about it, our genocidal ancestors were the first illegal aliens. They came uninvited and without documentation wiping out the indigenous inhabitants and taking over their land. Maybe that anyone could do such horrific things is what scares their self righteous descendants so much today.Add to cart
Candy From Babies Poster
The first in the 'Portraits in the Redistribution' trilogy, depicts a child in front of torn headlines that narrate how the next generation are being burdened with our debt and having the opportunities for a good education stripped from them.Add to cart
Social Insecurity Poster
Entitled? Damn right! How dare the conservative leaders suggest those who worked hard and put money in from their paychecks into the social security system all those years aren't entitled to receive their full benefits. Hang this poster in support of saving social security for those who earned it.Add to cart
Small Government Poster
If you feel the corporate elite have co-opted our government with our elected leaders firmly in their pocket, this poster is for you. Start the conversation and start change.Add to cart
Drill Baby, Drill Poster
We are already seeing the signs, yet we seem to ignore the scientific community’s warnings that climate change is real, it’s man-made and it’s consequences will become increasingly devastating over the next decade.Add to cart
The Truth Poster
This painting was inspired by watching conflicting reports on the same issues on the different cable newscasts and the effect on their viewers. Peoples' perceptions of the issues seem to get distorted though their political lenses. People have had drastically different interpretations from this painting. What you see in this painting will be a reflection of your own partisan view and that is precisely the point.Add to cart
American Pie Poster
Our government gives more in corporate welfare than any other kind. If you feel the Wall Street fat cats should be jailed instead of rewarded with billions and trickle down economics just isn't working for you, hang this poster to let people know and let the conversation begin.Add to cart
Choose Independence Poster
Start the conversation about the environmental, economic and national security benefits of investing in clean renewable energy with this poster.Add to cart
Court Blanche Poster
The Supreme Court overturned century-old restrictions on corporations, and other special interest groups from using their vast wealth to advocate for a specific candidate. This greatly bolstered special interests groups’ ability to drown out the voice of the masses and elect candidates who will do their bidding. Exercise your first amendment right and use this poster to let people know you want to repeal their Citizen’s United ruling.Add to cart
Bad Apple Poster
Some say that Monsanto has monopolized our food supply and persuaded our government to look the other way when it comes to the safety of their product. They certainly don't want us to know if our foods are genetically modified or not. Hang this poster and let everybody know we have a right to know what your eating, hang this poster.Add to cart